Henry Conaway & Nancy Turner
John Turner ]


From census records we know HENRY CONWAY was born about 1784 in South Carolina, most likely to one of the Conaway families on the 1790 South Carolina Census.  Henry appears on record in Warren County, Georgia, on November 8, 1806 when he married NANCY TURNER.  There are no other Conaways in Warren County, Georgia, at that time, so I believe that he moved there on his own.  Nancy's father appears to be John Turner who lived next to Henry and Nancy on future census records.  John Turner first appears in Warren County, Georgia, in 1798.  He possibly came from South Carolina and might have known the Conaway family while living there and followed them to Georgia. 

Records of Barnwell County, South Carolina, (formerly Orangeburg County, SC in 1790) have records that tie Henry Conaway to Arthur Connaway & his wife Ann.  Arthur was on the 1790 SC census for Orangeburg County, SC, but is missing on the 1800 SC Census, so I believe he died before that census was taken.  It is very puzzling that is wife Ann and other children are not represented there on the 1800 ensus even though documents prove she was still alive and living there at that time.

Barnwell Diaries 1800-1811 original records can be seen on Family Search.  This film has 1,076 slides.

Slide 5:

Slide 8:  Part of an index for the Journal.  Shows case on page 31.

Slide 45:  Date April 1st 1802.  Tells us Arthur was deceased by this date and that Henry had already left Orangeburg/Barnwell County, South Carolina.

On top of the next page page:

Henry Connaway had his friend Marmaduke Gardner file a petition against his mother concerning his father's estate, since he apparently was not in the area at that time.  Marmaduke Gardner was still living in Barnwell County, SC at this time per census records.

Henry Connaway                                      )

Alias Summons by Marmaduke Gardner    )   Petition &

his next friend                                            )

      vs                                                        )    Process

Ann Connaway Administrator                    )

of Arthur Connaway                                   )

    This case having been laid before the

court, his honor gave the following ?Decre:

    Let the plaintiff take judgment for

    Eighty five dollars and cost -


Although Ann Connaway is listed as Administrator of Arthur Connaway's estate - no estate papers could be found in Barnwell or Orangeburg books.


Slide 791:


Slide 817:


Slide 770:  Another index page


Slide 832: bottom of page 28

 top of page says page 29

Henry Connoway alias Summons by William Gardner his next friend vs Ann Connoway Administrator of A. Connoway

Petition & Process   Let plaintiff take Judgment for Eighty five Dollars & Costs.


Would love to know the story behind this.



DNA Results from a descendant of HENRY CONAWAY can be seen on the Conway/Conaway/Connaway Project Page.

HENRY CONAWAY and his sons were known to be Farmers in Warren County, Georgia.

Deed Records of Warren County, Georgia, Show:

Book X page 215 Turner Conaway from Thomas Avera 155 District 1844-1849 170 acres known as Walker Tract.

Book Y page 202 HENRY CONAWAY to Turner Conaway $350 for 130 1849-1854 acres in 155th District

Book Z page 245-6 HENRY CONAWAY to Epsy Conaway Quit Claim to
1854-1859 Epsy Bray Conaway for interest in estate of Nancy Dozier.

Book Z page 425 Turner Conaway to Robert C. Hill, 130 acres 1854-1859 reserving 20 acres during HENRY CONAWAY's life, December 4, 1857.

Son Turner Conaway is listed in Vol. 2 of ROSTER OF THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS OF GEORGIA as Private, enlisted October 5,1862 - Substitute for Albert Holliman, Captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2,1863. Died of disease at Fort Delaware, Del., May 23, 1846.

The early census records of Warren Co., Ga. indicate that HENRY and NANCY had 8 children living with them - 4 males & 4 females.

The Warren Co. Marriage Books Beginning 1794, show a license was issued to HENRY CONAWAY and NANCY TURNER November 8, 1806, and the wedding was performed November 9, 1806, by Arch Flullen, Justice Inferior Court. On January 4, 1849, a marriage license was issued to HENRY CONAWAY and Epsy Bray (Nee Dozier).

After the death of his first wife NANCY TURNER, HENRY CONAWAY married Epsy Dozier Bray. Epsy was the widow of the late William Bray and she had a young son Byron Bray.



HENRY CONAWAY was polled 1 and paid $.31 2 1/2 mills (a mill is 1/10 of 1 cent).



March 18, 1819 HENRY CONAWAY witnessed will of Philip Brantley - had daughter Hannah Walker


1820 Warren County Georgia Census

3 males under 10 years
1 male 26 - 45 years
2 females under 10
2 females 10 - 16 years
1 female 26 - 45 years

1830 Warren County Georgia Census

1 male under 5 years
1 male 5 - 10 years
1 male 10 - 15 years
1 male 20 - 30 years
1 male 40 - 50 years
1 female under 5 years
1 female 10 - 15 years
1 female 15 - 20 years
1 female 40 - 50 years

1840 Warren County Georgia Census

1 male 10 - 15 years
1 male 20 - 30 years
1 male 50 - 60 years
1 female 10 - 15 years
1 female 20 - 30 years
1 female 50 - 60 years

1850 Warren County Georgia Census

HENRY CONAWAY 66 M W Farmer $500 SC
Epsy 45 F W Ga
Augustus B. Bray 8 M W Ga


1860 Warren County Georgia Census
Epsy Conaway 53 F W Weaver $200 Real Estate Ga $200 Personal Prop
Byron Bray 16 M W Farm Laborer Ga


Warren County Marriage Licenses

#13 Nov HENRY CONAWAY Nov Archld Fluellen J. J. C
8th to 9th


Georgia, Warren County

To any ordained minister of the Gospel, Judge of the Supreme or Superior Court, Justice of the Inferior Court, or Justice of the Peace:

You are hereby authorized to join HENRY CONAWAY and Epsy Bray, in the Holy State of Matrimony, according to the Constitution and laws of this State; and for so doing, this shall be your sufficient license. Given under my hand and seal this fourth day of January 1849 Patrick N. Maddox C. C. O. SEAL I hereby certify that HENRY CONAWAY and Epsy Bray were duly joined in Matrimony this day by me R. M. Wilder J.P
January 14th 1849


Pub by Ga. Pioneers Magazine

p. 14-15
CONAWAY, HENRY s/ Jan 20, 1858 p/no date

Wife: Epsey (Dozier-Bray) wid of Wm. Bray
m. Warren Co. Jan 4, 1849

Daus: Nancy Scott - wife of James Scott
Sarah Fleming and children
Mary Henley, wife of Thomas & her children

Sons: Turner (age 43 in 1860 census m. Jane Jackson Warren Co 10/19/1839)
William (age 40 in 1860 census - wife Mary - was a Brick Mason)
Charles (m. Mary Geesling, Warren Co. 8/22/1840 - Will
of Samuel Geesling lists Dau Mary Conaway)
Benjamin (m. Eleanor Walker (Helena McKenzie Walker)
Warren Co. 10/7/1846)

Step-son: Byron Bray - son of my wife

Exr: Walter Lewis

Wit: Robert Hill; Benjamin Cody; Walter Lewis


CEMETERIES & GENEALOGY Warren County, Georgia And Immediate Vicinity by Daniel Nathan Crumpton

22 Feb 1817 HENRY Witnessed a deed of Philip Brantley to Benjamin Brantley Book D Pages 49-50 p. 268

31 Dec 1840 HENRY mentioned alongside land Alpheus Fuller sold that was original grant of Wells Walker Book 6 Pages 79-80 p. 300

9 Sep 1844 HENRY Witnessed a deed where Jacob Burkhalter sold land to John J. Davis Book X Page 144 p. 279

3 Feb 1845 HENRY Land alongside S. J. Lazenby, F. S. Burkhalter & C. S. Skidmore mentioned in deed where Alpheus Fuller sold land Book X Pages 31-2 p. 274

2 Sep 1845 HENRY Land alongside Betsey Lazenby, John Persons, Henry Hight, & Rebecca Lewis mentioned in deed where Jacob Burkhalter sold land to John L. Burkhalter Book X Page 110 p. 278

9 Nov 1849 HENRY Sold land to Turner Conaway Book Y Page 202 - witnesses were Thomas S. Fuller & Z. M. Wilder p. 305

21 Jul 1856 HENRY Deeded to wife Epsy all interest in her mother's estate - from Nancy Dozier's will Book Z Page 245-6 p. 339

4 Jul 1828 William Bray gave toast 4th of July Celebration 1828 at Reynold's Mills p. 154

1 Jan 1829 William Bray had letter in P.O. p. 157

Conaway, Turner (or Conway): Private Oct 5, 1862. Substitute for Albert Holliman. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2 1863. Died of disease at Fort Delaware, Del. May 23, 1864. p. 419

19 Oct 1846 Turner Bought land p. 282

29 Nov 1847 Turner Bought land p. 389

7 Feb 1851 Turner Witnessed deed p. 321

29 Jul 1854 Turner Land mentioned in deed p. 343

1 Dec 1857 Turner Sold land p. 348

1 Nov 1858 Turner Land mentioned in deed p. 354

12 Nov 1858 Turner Bought land p. 289

31 Mar 1830 William Letter in P.O. p. 161


Daniel Nathan Crumpton


P16 NEW PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH: The original records are on file at Mission Center, 207 North Jefferson St., Washington, Ga.

Early members from record Book for Baptist Church of Christ at New Providence Baptist constituted August the 24 day 1835:

Females Received by Experience: ...Bray, Epsy;... CONAWAY (CORNAWAY), NANCY,...

p43 Minutes Inferior Court - 1839-1850 3 Nov 1845:page 297: Bray, Epsy was unable to support her illegitimate male child. The sum of $5.00 was to be paid to Dozier, James L., an agent for the child, for the support and benefit of the said child: page 299: Fuller, John the reputed father of the illegitimate child of Bray, Epsy; gave bond with security in the Clerks Office; it was ordered by the court that the clerk deliver bond over to Gibson, William, Attorney at Law to be sued upon. page 300: The Inferior Court of Warren County vs. Fuller, John and Dennis, Richmond. [p218
John Fuller m. Nancy Geesling 8-21-1845, Augustus Byron Bray was born 1842 or 1844 per census records.]

p73 New Providence Baptist Church - cont. Females Belonging to New Providence Church: ...24 Oct 1835, CONAWAY by exp.;... [NANCY] p92 Minutes of Ordinary (May 3, 1858 - Dec 1859) page 84: Lewis, Walter F., having a paper proposing to be the last will and testament of CONOWAY, HENRY, deceased, and it appearing to the court sworn testimony of Lewis, Walter F.; Hill, Robert C.; and Cody, Benjamin the subscribing witnesses; it is ordered by the court to be admitted to Record:...

p93 page 123: Wilder, Rabun M. (temporary Administrator with the will annexed upon the estate of CONOWAY, HENRY, deceased) petitions to sell all perishable property of the estate...

p108 New Providence Baptist Church - cont. List of Female Members Belonging to New Providence Church at the Commencement of J. M. Lanfords Clerkship: ...25 Oct 1835, CARNAWAY, NANCY by exp., by death 29 Oct 1845; ...20 Jul 1857 Conoway, Ann by exp.;

p121 Guardians Bond (1856-1890) 9 Jan 1860 Page 63: Chapman Benjamin (Principal) and Lewis, W. F. (Security) are held and firmly bound to the Ordinary of the court for the sum of $100.00; the condition of the bond is that if Chapman, Benjamin (appointed guardian for Beary, Birom, minor of Conway, Epsy) conducts the guardian ship according to law, then the bond will be void; Cody, Henry R. (Ordinary):... [his name was Byron Bray]

p156 New Providence Baptist Church - cont List of Female Members: 1 Jan 1865, Conaway, Mary by exp., by death 3 Jul 1865 9 Oct 1835, CONAWAY, EPSEY by letter;... [NANCY] Conaway, Epsy, restored exp.;... [no date - most were 1866 in that paragraph]

p160 1892 List ... Conaway, Epsy;...
List 1894-1900 ...Conaway, Epsy;...

p163 Wills (1810-1829) page 101-103 Will of Philip Brantley made 18 Mar 1819, probated 7 Jun 1824 wife: Polly: sons; Benjamin; Jepthah; John: Daughters; Breen, Frankey, walker, Hannah; Pruitt, Catherine; Hight, Phoebe; Gibson, Polly: also lists grandchildren.. witness: CONAWAY, HENRY...[could Polly be the wife of Philip Conaway - Margaret (Henry's mother) & this be her second marriage - the age would be right?]

p174 Wills (1852-1897) page 73-4 CONOWAY, HENRY: Made 20 Jan. 1858; Probated (?): Wife; Epsy: Sons;' Turner; William; Charles; Benjamin: Step-son; Bray, Byron: Daughters; Fleming, Sarah; Henly, Mary; Scott, Nancy: Sons-In-Law; Fleming, (?); Henly, Thomas; Scott, James T.: Grandchildren; Mentioned: Executor; Lewis, Walter F.: Witness; Hill, Robert C. Cody Benjamin, Lewis, Walter F.

p290 Poor School Fund (1856-1867) Page 14 Tuition of ...Bray, B.: 1 Apr 1856

p340 Minutes of Court (1858-1859 page 54: Nov Term 1858: Lewis,Walter F. having propounded a paper purporting to be the last will and testament of CONOWAY, HENRY, deceased. Upon testimony of subscribing witnesses Lewis, Walter F.: Hill, Robert C. and Cody, Benjamin. It is ordered by the court to be admitted to record:

p385 Warren County Court of Ordinary - "Book B" bonds of Administrators 1835-1861 page 412: CONAWAY, HENRY, deceased; Wilder, Rabun M., Administrator. (4 Jan 1858). page 413-417:...

p494 Deed Records Office of the Clerk of Superior Court Warren County Courthouse Warrenton, Georgia 30828 December 1875 - May 1877 Date of Deed Name ID Book/Page 6 Oct 1837 CONNOWAY, HENRY AL (Adjoining Landowner) FF/174 Mims, David S (Seller) Lazenby, Samuel J. B (Buyer)

p588 pgs 145 & 146: ...1 Jan 1859: Wilder, Rabun M. Granted LOA with the Will annexed on the estate of CONAWAY, HENRY decd. p188 Warren County First Book of Marriage Records (24 March 1794 - 20 March 1814): Date             Date
Groom Bride Licensed Married Page CONWAY, HENRY TURNER, NANCY      8 Nov          9 Nov 1806         21

p202 Warren County Marriages (1811-1825) Bray, William Dozier, Epsey 31 Jan 3 Feb 1824 239

p210 Warren County marriages (1824-1835) Connaway, William Grizzle, Sally 1 Sep 2 Sep 1832 229

p212 Warren County Marriages (1833-1848)                                           

  Hendley, Thomas H. Conoway, Mary 6 Apr 7 Apr 1836 39
p214 Conoway, Turner Jackson, Jane 19 Oct 5 Dec 1839 141
p215 Conoway, Charles Geesling, Mary J. 22 Aug 3 Sep 1840 163
p219 Conaway, Benjamin F. Walker, Eleanor M. 7 Oct 27 Oct 1846 305

p221 Warren County Marriages (1848-1855)
Conoway, Henry Bray, Epsy 4 Jan 14 Jan 1848 2
Scott, James T. Conaway, Nancy 11 Dec 23 Dec 1849 19

p16 A list of male members: ...25 July 1840, Conaway, Turner by exp. died in the aram;... [?army] A List of Male members belonging to Providence: ...25 Jul
1840, Cornaway, Turner by exp.;...

p40 Minutes - Inferior Court - 1839-1850 14 Feb 1844 p229 Jury Drawn for August 1844 Term: ...Connaway, Turner;...

p56 Minutes - Inferior Court September 7, 1846 thru January 6, 1851 6 Dec 1847 page 54: ...Ordered that Conway, Turner, be appointed guardian of the property of his children (Elizabeth Ann and Benjamin Franklin):...

p61 6 May 1850 page 121: Received and Passed these returns:
one on the estate of minors of Conaway, Benjamin F.;...

p70 Minutes & Writs - Inferior Court 1852-1856 13 Aug 1855 page 134: ...Chapman, Benjamin vs. Conaway, Turner:...

p138 Administrators Bond 1856-1914 5 May 1856 page 4: Jackson, Aaron and Conaway, Turner are held and firmly bound to the Ordinary for the sum of $1,000.00; The condition of the bond is that if Jackson, Aaron (Administrator for Jackson, John W., deceased) carries out all the duties of administrator according to law, the bond will be void; Cody, Henry R. (Ordinary):

p146 3 Dec 1866 page 162: Jackson, Aaron (Principal) and McGinty, R. R. (Security) are held and firmly bound to the Ordinary for the sum of $800.00; The condition of the obligation is that is Jackson, Aaron (Administrator for Conaway, Turner deceased) carries out all duties as administrator according to law, the bond will be void; Cody, Henry R. (Ordinary):...

p336 Record C (1833-1855) 6 Dec 1847 Conaway, Turner is appointed guardian of Conaway, Elizabeth Ann; Conaway, Benjamin Franklin, minors of Conaway, Turner, now living. (page 167):

p342 Minutes (1868-1876) page 8: Dec 1868: Petition of Jackson Aaron, Administrator of Conaway, Turner for Letters of Dismission from said trust:

p444 Deed Records Office of the Clerk of Superior Court Warren County Courthouse Warrenton, Georgia 30828 December 1875 -May 1877 Date of Deed Name ID Book/Page 18 Jan 1850 Conaway, Turner T (Trustee) DD/150

p582 Estate Docket Jan 9, 1851 - Nov 29, 1866 25 Feb 1851: ...?: Jackson, Samuel, & Conoway, Turner securities of Taylor, Warren, guardian

p591 pgs 245 & 246: ...17 Oct 1866: Jackson, Aaron applies for LOA on estate of Conaway, Turner

p597 Records/Returns 1849-1853 page 86: 2 Apr 1850 Conaway Elizabeth A.; Conaway, Benjamin F. minors of Conaway, Turner, now living. Amount to minors from estate of Jackson, Aaron as grandfather.

p598 pg157: ...28 Mar 1851: Conaway, Benjamin F. & Elizabeth Ann

p599 pg 247: ...12 Apr 1852: Coneway, Turner guardian of Coneway Benjamin and Coneway, Elizabeth.

p600 pgs 434-435: 11 Feb 1853: Estate of Jackson, Aaron decd., Conaway, Turner guardian & in right of his wife;... pg454: ...20 Mar 1853; Coneway, Turner guardian of Coneway, Elizabeth; Coneway, Benjamin.

p604 Inferior Court Minutes Years of 1848-1860 page 3213 Aug 1850: We the citizens of Warren County living in the vicinity of Fountain Camp Ground petition for an order to locate a public road. ...Conaway, Turner...

P16 Males received by experience: ...Conaway, Charles...

p92 New Providence Baptist Church - List of Female Members
Belonging to New Providence Church at the Commencement of J. M. Lanfords Clerkship:
16 Sep 1843 Cornaway, Sousan by exp., by death 4 Sep 1846;
21 Sep 1843, Cornaway, Nancy by exp., by death 3 Jul 1845;
[must be daughters of William - oldest son]

p174 Wills (1852-1897) page 47-49: Geesling, Samuel probated 1 Sept 1856: Daughters; Conway, Mary J.; ...Sons-in-Law; Conway, Charles...



by Daniel Nathan Crumpton

1794 Tax Digest - No Turner’s or Conaways

[Note from Dianne: NANCY TURNER born about 1781 probably not born in Warren Co., Ga.]

1805 Tax Digest

p221 John Turner - Capt J. B. Flournoy’s District 65 acres on Long Creek - Land from Grantee Camp & land by Camp’s land.

[Note from Dianne: Long Creek is Near Rocky Comfort Creek & Joe’s Creek in South Warren Co. This is probably where NANCY TURNER lived when she married HENRY CONAWAY.]

1818 Tax Digest

p264 John Turner District 155 150 acres on Harts Creek next to Brantley

p264 James Turner - no statistics

p265 HENRY CONNAWAY - no statistics

[Note from Dianne: my guess is that they were living together on John’s land - Henry Conaway & James Turner didn’t own land at this time. Hart’s Creek is in District 155 in the NE part of Warren Co. by Wilkes & by Fountain Campground - they apparently moved there between 1805 & 1818.]

1849 Tax Digest - District 155

p293 HENRY CONAWAY 130 acres

p293 Turner Conaway 170 acres

No Turners

[Note from Dianne: HENRY CONAWAY now has land - I’m guessing it is part of John Turner’s 150 acres on Hart’s creek & HENRY CONAWAY bought or inherited when John Turner died 1827 intestate.]

P294 - Spivey Fuller, Samuel J. Lazenby, & R. C. Hill p293 Jacob Burkhalter - see below in deed

[Note from Dianne: 1849 HENRY CONAWAY deeded his 130 acres to son Turner Conaway - part of Turner’s 170 acres could have been HENRY’s 130 acres - depending on when the land was sold & tax was levied. Deed said 130 acres in District 155 next to Fuller, Buchhalter & Lazenby.

1857 Turner Conaway sold this land to Robert C. Hill - 130 acres - reserving 20 for HENRY to live on until his death - S. J. Lazenby on the North, B. Cody on the East, R. C. Hills on the South, etc.]

1858 Tax Digest - District 155

p314 HENRY CONERWAY - no statistics - [Note from Dianne: because he had sold his land]

p314 Turner Conerway - no statistics - [Note from Dianne: no statistics because he had sold his land - I think when HENRY CONAWAY had no statistics in 1818 it was because he didn’t own land - look at the timing. HENRY deeded the land to Turner & Turner sold it 1857 just before the next tax date in 1858.]

p314 Bryn Cody - see above in deed

p315 R. C. Hill - see above

p316 S. J. Lazenby - see above

[ Note from Dianne: If you follow the migration pattern of the land of John Turner & the area they lived at the tax time - they moved up from Joe’s creek to Rocky Comfort creek to Long creek to Hart’s creek - they started near Hancock & Glascock counties. John Turner was on Long creek 1805 - just before HENRY CONAWAY & NANCY TURNER married - Long creek is near Glascock & Hancock counties. So they may have migrated from that area before the marriage. It looks like they may have come up through the southern part of Warren Co instead of down through Wilkes as I originally thought.]


HENRY CONAWAY Deed Warren Co., Ga 1849 Bk Y page 202

Georgia )              This Indenture made this ninth day of
Warren County )   November in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and forty nine between HENRY CONNAWAY of the county and State aforesaid of the one part and Turner Connaway of the County aforesaid and state above mentioned of the other part Witnesseth that the said HENRY CONNAWAY for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold and conveyed and does by these presents grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Turner Connaway his heirs and assigns all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 155th Dist of the County of Warren and State aforesaid known and distinguished as the land on which the said HENRY CONNAWAY now lives adjoining lands Fuller and Buckhalter and Lazenby containing one hundred and thirty acres more or less with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the aforedescribed lot of land unto him the said Turner Connaway his heirs and assigns together with all the rights members and appurtenances to the said lot of land in any wise belonging to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever in fee simple and the said HENRY CONNAWAY for himself his heirs Executors and administrators the said bargained premises together with the right title and possession thereof unto the said Turner Connaway his heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend the right and title thereof against themselves and against the claim of all other persons whatever In testimony whereof the said HENRY CONNAWAY hath hereunto set affixed his seal the day and year first above written
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Thomas L. Fuller                                 his
R. M. Wilder J. P.                  HENRY X CONNAWAY SEAL
Recorded Sept 30th 1850
George W. Dickson, Clk


HENRY CONAWAY Warren County Book Z pages 245-6 1856

Georgia )                This Indenture made this twenty first day of
Warren County )     July in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifty six between HENRY CONAWAY of said State and County of the one part and Epsey Connaway his wife of the same place of the other part (Witnesseth that the said HENRY CONAWAY for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he has and bears, to his said wife Epsey Conaway hath given granted released and doth by these presents give grant release and convey unto the said Epsey Conaway her heirs and assigns all the right till interest claim or demand which the said HENRY CONAWAY hath in and to the Estate both real and personal of Nancy Dozier late of Warren County deceased Mother of the said Epsey Conaway as well also the property which the said Epsey Conaway was possessed of at the time of her marriage with the said HENRY CONAWAY. To have and to hold said property whether real personal or ready money which the said HENRY CONAWAY may be entitled to as a Legatee in right of his wife Epsey Conaway to the Estate of the late Nancy Dozier deceased unto her the said Epsey Conaway her heirs and assigns together with all and Singular the rights members and appurtenances to the same in any manner belonging to her and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever. In testimony whereof the said HENRY CONAWAY hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date above written.
Signed Sealed and                                           his
delivered in presence of                     HENRY X CONAWAY
E. O. Pannel )                                               mark
R. I. Pannel )
Henry W. Bruce J. P.)
Recorded July 22d 1856
G. W. Dickson Clk


HENRY CONAWAY Deed Warren County Book Z p. 425 1857

State of Georgia )      This Indenture made this the first day of
Warren County )       December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight and fifty seven between Turner Conawayof the one part and Robert C. Hill of the other part both in the County and state aforesaid Witnesseth that the said Turner Conaway for and in consideration of the Sum of Eight hundred and twenty five dollars to him in hand paid by the said Robert C. Hill at and before the signing, Sealing, and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Robert C. Hill his heirs and assigns forever all of that tract of land lying in said County near the place known as Stovall reserving twenty acres of said Land during the life of HENRY CONAWAY whereon the houses now stand, Said land joins lands of S. L. Lazenby on the north. East by lands of B. Cody west by said R. C. Hill & South by the same. Containing one hundred and thirty acres be the same more or less Said Land known now by the CONAWAY place. To have and to hold the same unto him the said Robert C. Hill his heirs and assigns forever and the said Turner Conaway for himself his heirs Executors & admr and assigns will forever warrant and defend In Testimony whereof the said Turner Conaway hath hereunto set his hand Seal in the day and day written on the other Side Signed
Sealed and delivered)                                   his
in presence of )                                  Turner X Conaway LS
Curtis G. Lowe )                                        mark
D. Dennis J. P. )
Recorded Decr 4th 1857
G. W. Dickson Clrk



Georgia In the name of God, Amen
Warren Co.

I HENRY CONAWAY of Said State and County being of Sound and composed mind and Memory, deem it right and proper that I should dispose of the little property both as respects my self's and family to my wish, do therefore Make declare and publish this as my last will and Testament, hereby annulling and revoking all others made by me of a prior date.

Item 1. I desire and direct that all my Just debts be paid by my Executor herein after named without delay.

Item 2. I give and bequeath to my wife Epsy Conaway (in addition to the property given by Said wife by deed of gift, which I hereby confirm) the Sum of Fifty dollars from my Estate to be paid over to her by my Executor immediately after my debts are paid, which is all my Said wife is to receive from my Estate.

Item 3. I give to my son Turner Conaway the Sum of one dollar which is the entire Sum I desire he Shall receive from my Estate.

Item 4. I give to my daughter Nancy Scott, wife of James F. Scott, the sum of One dollar, which is the entire amount I desire She shall receive from my Estate.

Item 5. I give to my Step-son Byron Bray, son of my Wife, A Red and white Heifer about two years old.

Item 6. I give and bequeath the residue of my property both real and personal to my children and grandchildren named in this Item, with the restrictions hereinafter Specified in reference to my Daughter, Share and Share alike; namely William Conaway, Charles Conaway, and Benjamin Conaway, my three sons, and my two daughters and their children, Sarah Fleming and her children, and Mary Henly and her children, wife of Thomas Henly, the distributive Shares of my Said two daughters, not to be subject to the debts of their husbands, nor to be controlled by their husbands.

Signed Sealed, declared and published by HENRY CONAWAY as his land Will and Testament in presence of us the Subscribers, who Subscribed our names hereto, in the presence of Said Testator, and of each other, And I hereby appoint Walter F. Lewis Executor to carry my Will into effect, the January 20th 1858.
/s/Robert C. Hill                         HENRY X CONAWAY Seal
/s/Benjamin Cody                                  mark
/s/Walter F. Lewis


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