Ernest Herman Kreder & Martha Minnie Hessel


Ernst Hermann Kreder was christened February 19, 1873, in Stuttgart, Germany. His Godparents were Wilhelm Reichmann, Henrich Schewing, Christine Dramer, and Katharine Kreder.

Ernst and his sister Carlena came to America with their parents when he was 7 years old (about 1880). Their other brothers and sisters remained in Germany.

Carlena married George Gruener (Greener). Ernst married Martha Minnie Hessel who came from Baden Baden, Saxony, Germany, with her family at the age of 4. At her death Martha Minnie Hessel Kreder had 20 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren, and 7 great-great-grandchildren.

Ernst's father, Karl Kreder died of TB before Ernst married Minnie in 1894. His mother lived with them after the marriage. Their first child was born 9 months to the day of their marriage.

One of Ernst Hermann Kreder's daughter, Elsa, married John Bartol, a soldier from the north stationed down south during World War I. She died the first year of their marriage. He returned to his family and was never heard from.

Daughter Mary married Ernest Heitmiller who had a big family celebration on his 80th birthday in November 1976. Son Alvin and his wife had 3 sets of fraternal twins as well as several singles.

Herman Henry Blankenstein, Jr., a great-grandson, has the family sword which came from Germany. The sword belonged to Karl Kreder and was used for many years to chop cabbage for kraut. It was once a beautiful, ornate sword with carved dog's heads on the handles, but it was badly damaged in the fire when Minnie and Ernst Kreder's house burned.


1900 McLennan Co, Texas Census    vol 76 ed 84 sh 11 ln 33 p105A

HERMAN KREDER Head W M Jan 1873 27 m6yrs Ger Ger Ger immigrated 1880 here 20 years farmer owned farm #146 free
MINNIE W.               Wife W  F Oct 1877 22 m6yrs Ger Ger Ger 3 ch 3 alive immigrated 1882 18 years
Herman                        son  W M Dec 1894  5             Tex Ger Ger
Annie                           dau  W F  May 1897  3             Tex Ger Ger
Mary                           dau  W F  May 1899  1             Tex Ger Ger


1910 McLennan Co, Texas Census  ed 110 sh 109 vol 1009 sheet 12B

HERMAN KREDER Head M W 37 m16yrs owned farm #185 free Ger Ger Ger
MINNIE                      wife F W  33 m16yrs 5 ch 5 alive      Ger Ger Ger
Herman                         son M W 15                                     Tex Ger Ger
Annie                             dau F W 14                                             "
Mary                             dau F W 11                                              "
Elsa                               dau F W   9                                              "
George                           son M W 2                                              "
Christiana                  mother F W 84 wid spoke only German Ger Ger Ger


1920 McLennan Co, Texas Census

vol 120 ed 148 sh 15 ln 80 Farm 291/295

HERMAN KERDER head Owned Farm M W 47 married immigrated 1881 naturalized 1894 is dead Whittenburg,Ger Whittenburg,Ger Whittenburg,Ger
MINNIE             wife F W 43 Married Saxony,Ger Saxony,Ger Saxony,Ger
Herman               son M W 25 single Texas Whittenburg,Ger Saxony,Ger
George                son M W 17 single                             "
Alvin                    son M W 8 single                              "


GERMANS TO AMERICA Glazier & Filby 929.308931  V35 V38

Ship: Zeeland                                                      Ship: Belgenland
From: Antwerp                                                   From: Antwerp
To: New York                                                    To: New York
Arrived: 28 May 1880                                        Arrived: 27 May 1881                      
Kreder, Karl          56 M Unknown                    Kreder, Christian  56 M Farmer    (was mother)
Helene                  16 F Germany to USA           Carl                      16 M
                                                                          HERMAN              8 M References:

Aileen Dozier Blankenstein
Records from Aderhold Funeral Home - West, Texas
German Birth Certificate of Ernst Hermann Kreder