George Rinehart & Hannah Sibert
Sibert ]


Wythe County, Virginia Will Book 1                         [Tazewell Co. created from Wythe 1799]

Page 45 Wythe County Va Tax list RINEHART, GEO  for years 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799 & 1800


1815 Tax List Tazewell Co, Va.   Yantis  975.5763 Y
Page 4 GEORGE RINEHEART  1 white m. over 16, 0 slaves, 2 horses, 14 cattle
Same page as Richard Bailey


Archives of Pioneers of Tazewell Co, Va   by Yantis   975.5763Y
Tazewell County Order Book No. 1

p.1. July 1, 1800 (6) Deed from Henry Harman to GEORGE RYNHEART proven by oaths of William Harman, Elizs Harman and Hezakiah Harman.

p.19. May 13, 1803 (60) Henry Harman, John Green, William Griffit, Smith Deskins, Michael Stump, Richard Bailey, Sr., James Moore, Israel Young, GEORGE RYNHEART, William Smith, John McIntosh, Sr, Paul Whitley, John Greenup, Sr.,
Samuel Ferguson, William (Davi--?), Jeremiah Witten, and James Witten – Grand Jury.

p.21. July 15, 1802 Indenture (67) Same from Low Brown to GEORGE RYNHEART was proven by oaths of Robert Wallace, George Davisdon, and Betsy Cartmill

(67)  Deed of gift from William Lesley to John Lesley was proven in court by oaths of  Robert Wallace, Jessee Wilson, and GEORGE RYNHEART.

p.22. (70) Commonwealth vs. Thomas Haarison, Jr., and Emanuel Scison. Prst. Jury to wit:  … GEORGE RYNHEART…  They find Thomas Harrison not guilty and Emanuel Scison guilty.  Fined twenve cents and costs.

p.27. March 10, 1803 (88) Grant Jury to wit:  …GEORGE RYNHEART…

p.33. August 12, 1803 (108) Commonwealth vs. John Lard.  Plead not guilty.  Jury: 
…GEORGE RYNHEART,… Verdict—not guilty.

p.39. 16 Feb 1804 (127) Ordered that GEORGE RYNHEART be appointed overseer of the road in room of James Shannon

p.63. 25 Feb 1806 (208) Deed from Low Brown to GEORGE RINEHART proven by oath of Robert Wallace, John Cartmill and Samuel Dailey.

p.70.   26 August 1806  (225) GEORGE RINEHART appointed a constable of the county.

p.77.  (249) GEORGE RINEHART appointed Ensign in said Company in room of George Davidson, removed.

p.79. 22 September 1807 (258) GEORGE RINEHEART certified as an Ensign in Capt. Andrew Peery’s Company of Militia of the 112th Regt.

(259)  Frederick Cook, John Powers, GEORGE RINEHEART and John Walls appointed constables to act in the 1st Battn. Of the 112th Regt.

(260)   Alexander Sayers and GEORGE RYNHEART both fined 83 cents for swearing a profane oath.

p.81. 27 Oct 1807 (267) Deed from Robert Wallace to John Lasley part proven by oaths of GEORGE RINEHART and Jacob Wall, two of the witnesses and con’t for  further proof

(267)  Deed from Robert Wallace to William Wall was proven by oaths of John Lasley, Jacob Wall, and GEORGE RINEHART.

(268)  (267) Deed from Robert Wallace to William Wall partly proven by oaths of John Lasley and GEORGE RINEHART and con’t for proof.

p.88. 26 July 1808 (300) GEORGE RINEHART appointed constable

p.92. 22 November 1080  (314) Deed from William McGuyer to Joseph Moore proven by oath of John Lesley and GEORGE RINEHART and con’t for further proof.

p.101. 24 Oct 1809 (348) Deed from Thomas Cartmill & GEORGE RINEHART to William Wall proven in court by the oath of Howard Bane and con’t for further proof.

p.103. (354) 23 January 1810 Howard Bane appointed surveyor of the road in the room of GEORGE RINEHART.

p.104. (359) 25 April 1810 John Shannon appointed Ensign in room of GEORGE RINEHART, promoted.

p.109.  Personal Property Tax List of Tazewell County - 1801 -
August 2 +GEORGE RINEHART  1 0 0 1

p.113.  Personal Property Tax List of Tazewell County - 1802 -
May 13 GEORGE RINEHART 1 0 0 1

p.120. Personal Property Tax List of Tazewell County - 1803 -
Mar 2 GEORGE RYNHART  1 0 0 4

p.124. Personal Property Tax List of Tazewell County - 1806 -

p.128. Tazewell County Land Tax for the Year 1806
   “            “ (fr. Brown 83
   “            “(fr. Harman) 30

p.149. Tazewell County Land Tax for the Year 1814
RINEHART, GEORGE Tazewell 88 Bluestone, Rites Valley   15 NE
“same 25 same      “
“same 45 same      “
“same 83 same      “
“same 30 same      “
“same 15 same      “

p.157. Personal Property Tax List of Tazewell County - 1820
May 2 GEORGE RINEHART  1 0 0 4

p.164. Tazewell County Land Grants 1800 to 1820 51-164 GEORGE RINEHART.  25 acres.  10 Nov 1802 Surveyed 25 August 1801 On waters of Bluestone in Wrights Valley. 
Supposed to be adjacent to Pickens corner.  Adjoining Pate.

Abstracts of Tazewell County Will Book #1 1800 to 1832
p.182-3. Robert Ward  (page 103) 22 June 1819
Appraisement.  By William Witten, George Peery, GEORGE RINEHEART, William Lusk… PurchasersL  …GEORGE RINEHART

p.186.  James Thompson    (page 156)    27 September 1821
Persons owing estate:   …GEORGE RINEHART…

p.195.  GEORGE RINEHART   (page 294)  Made:  14 Oct 1829  Proven:  March 1830Will.  “All the principal part of my estate to be immediately sold after my decease except my black-smith tools.”  They are to remain for the use of sons, Hugh and John.  To son:  Hugh T. Rinehart & John Rinehart.  Wife: Patsey—to make home with son,  John.  Other children: $1.00 each.  Hugh T. to have the east end of the tract of land I now live on, agreeable to a division line lately made passing near dwelling house from the top of Laurel ridge to the top of the Valley Ridge.  John N. to have west end. Executors:  John Davidson & William G. Davidson.  Witnesses: John Skaggs, Rhody Nuckles, Enoc Baldwin.

p.279. An Annotated Enumeration of All Taxpayers - 1801 to 1820
RINEHART, GEORGE  352  **********!**********    (indicating he paid all 20 years)

252  Chapman Brothers, Auglaize, Logan & Shalby Counties, Ohio (Chicago, 1892) p. 285 - Sketch on Hugh T. Rinehart - “The parents of Hugh T. Were GEORGE  RINEHART (born Tazewell County, Virginia) and HANNAH  SIBERT (born Botetourt County, Virginia),  The father was a soldier in the War of 1812 (Captain).  The grandfather Rinehart was killed by Indians during the Revolutionary War.  Hugh T. is the  only survivor of ten children.  He was born October 23, 1813 in Tazewell County.  His  mother died when he was four, and his father married again.  Hugh married Juliana Godfrey who was born November 1, 1813 in Tazewell County.  They were married in 1833.”  McCurray, William J., History of Auglaize County, Ohio, (Indianapolis, Historical Pub. Co., 1923) Vol II, p. 545 – Sketch on Arnold E. Rinehart – “Arnold is a son of Hugh T. Rinehart who ws born October 12, 1813 in Tazewell County, Virginia and died March 30, 1904 in his 91st year.  Hugh was a blacksmith.  Married Juliana Godfrey and three years after their marriage they moved to western Ohio…”, p. 582 –
Sketch on Levi Rinehart, another son of Hugh T.

{Note from Dianne:  I believe he was the last child living when the above was written, but other children lived to adult hood - one other son named in father’s will & more children implied.}

p.298 Petition to Form Tazwewell County - 1798

p.299. Petition to Form Tazewell County - 1799
Petition of Inhabitants of Wythe County to form a new county from parts of Wythe and Russell. (Virginia Legislative Petitions.  Wythe Co. - Oversize Box 12  #3997, December 1799) Description same as in the law that was passed forming the county.
Richard Bailey, Sr.


1820 Virginia Census
GEORGE RINEHART  Tazewell Co p 256


1830 Virginia Census
Patsy RINEHART  Tazewell Co p 212  (2nd wife of GEORGE)


Ohio - Auglaize was formed from Allen Co.
1840 Allen Co, Ohio Census
p.  94 Hugh T. Rinehart 
1 m under 5     1 female under 5
1 male 20-30 1 female 20-30


1850 Auglaize Co, Ohio Census
p.  305  Hugh T. Rinehard  - book shows Hugh “L”, but name is T & looks like T.  Richard Bailey was on page 315
Hugh T Rinehart 37 M Va
Julina37 F Va
Arnold P 13 M Ohio     What happened to daughter?
John A   6 M Ohio
Sarah S.   2 F Ohio


1860 Auglaize Co, Ohio Census
p.381 per census index, but too dim to read.


1880 Auglaize Co, Ohio Census
p550A  Hugh T. Rinehart 66     Farmer     VA    VA   VA
             Julina                   66                    VA    VA   VA
            Adam Rinehart      20    Farmer    Ohio   VA   VA
            Ernestine               19                    OH   OH   OH
            Hugh S      Aug 10/12                   OH   OH   OH


History of Western Ohio & Auglaize County    pages 766-7
Hugh T. Rinehart was born in Tazewell county, Virginia October 23, 1813, and was reared on a farm.  His mother dying when he was four years of age, his father was  married a second time, and he was brought up by his stepmother until he attained his  seventeenth year, when he left home and apprenticed himself to learn the blacksmith’s  trade.  Three years later he married Miss Juliana Godfrey, who was born in Tazewell  county, Virginia, November 1, 1813.  Three years after their marriage they emigrated to  Ohio, and located on Section 14 in Union township…


History of Auglaize, Shelby & Logan Cos, Ohio    Page 285-6
    Hugh T. Rinehart…The parents of our subject, GEORGE AND HANNAH (SIBERT) RINEHART, were natives respectively of Tazewell and Botetourt Counties, Va, and both died years ago.  The father was a soldier in the War of 1812, occupying the position of Captain of his company.  Grandfather Rinehart was killed by Indians during th Revolutionary War.  …His mother dying when he was four years of age, his father was married a second time and he was brought up by his stepmother until attaining his seventeenth year, when he left home and apprenticed himself to learn the blacksmith’s trade…


HOWDEN/LAMONT Family Home Page   Family Tree Maker Online
Christie Lamont

GEORGE RINEHART was born in Tazewell Co, VA sometime prior to 1775.  His father was suppose to have been killed by Indians during the Revolutionary War.  His first wife was HANNAH, or Annah SIBERT.  They had children Polly, Betsy, John, Jane, Matilda, and Hugh T., and possibly others.  HANNAH died in about 1816-7, and GEORGE remarried June 1821 to Patsy Nuckles.  Hugh T. Rinehart …moved to Auglaize Co, Ohio about 1836…

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