Leonard Dozier II & Elizabeth Ingo
MARRIAGES OF RICHMOND COUNTY VIRGINIA 1668-1853 King 975.523 p. 59 DOZIER, LEONARD (16??-7133) married circia 1702 ELIZABETH (INGO) Ascough (16??-1748), widow of Thomas Ascough (16??-1701) and daughter of John Ingo, Sr. (16??-1701). LEONARD DOZIER was the son of the immigrant Frenchman, Leonard Dozier (16??-1693), who settled in Westmoreland County; his naturalization certificate dated 28 January 1684 is of record in Westmoreland County Record Book 1723-1746, p. 147. Richmond County WB#2,p.27,32; WB#5,p.296,558. ---------- Richmond County, Virginia 1733 p. 207 In obedience to an order of court baring Date the 4th day June 1733. We whose names are under written hereof did meed and Inventory & appraise all the Estate of Leonard Dozier decd that was presented to our view viz. L of D To 2 old horses & cows & 1 small stear 4 15 To 35 1/2 Lb. of old Pewter at 8 $ lb. 1 5 8 To a Parcel of Earthen ware & Glasses . 2 6 To a Prsl of old Books, 1 Table Cloth, 2 towels & 3 rags . 5 . To 1 Split & some old Lumber . 11 . To a parcel of Trays & baskets . 2 . To 2 old chests gold Table & box & 2 benches . 15 . To 2 old feather beds & furniture 5 10 . To 2 old flock beds with rug Quill & Blankets . 15 . To 1 blanket & old bag . 4 . To 30 1/2 Lb. of old pot iron at 2 pr & 1 old Iron Pots . 6 . To 1 old spinning wheel & old cowk & pails & wool cords . 10 . To 1 Grinding Stone & old Fiddle . 4 6 To 1 small hog . 12 6 To 1 felt hat . 1 . ------- L 15 16 3 Exors Execpted pd (Solomon Redman Recorded amongst the Records of Richmond County (Michael Winden the second Day of July 1733 (Y Bryan Saxony Text M. Beckworth Ct. Cur In the name of God Amen. I ELIZABETH DOZIER of the parish of Lunenburgh of the County of Richmond, being very sick & weak of body, but of perfect sound mind & memory & knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die do make & ordain this my last will & testament in mannor and form as follows. First I give to Almighty God my Soul, who gave it hoping to receive the same at the reserection of the just by our Lord Jesus Christ; and my body to be buried in a descent Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned. Item. I give to my son James Dozier & his heirs, a negro girl named Sarah & all the things that I formally don't list... Item. I give to my Grandaughter Elizabeth Doggitt all the things that formerly were her mothers & an Equal part of my Douring Cloaths with my five Daughters... Item. I give all the rest of my Estate to be equally divided between the rest of my Children. That is John Dozier, Leonard Dozier, Mary Jones, Elizabeth Thornton, Sarah Jater, Peggy Baker, & Susannah Bragg. And that my Daughters shall have my cloaths divided amongst them be part of their shares... And I do hereby appoint my sons Leonard Dozier & James Dozier to Execute this my last will & testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Seventh day of May 1748. Sealed & delivered in presence of Robert Hall and ELIZA DOZIER SEAL Richard L. Lawson MS Court held for Richmond Co. the fourth Day of July 1748 This will was proven on open court by the oath of Robert Hall and Richard Lawson The Witness for thereto & admitted to Record & a Probate granted to Leonard Dozier & James Dozier the Executors Test. Treasu Tarply D. Ct. Cur