Marcus Hogg Dozier & Adaline Bailey


       Not much is known of MARCUS HOGG DOZIER. His father died in Jackson, Tennessee. His mother with her 4 sons and 1 daughter moved to Lonoke County, Arkansas, where HOGG married ADELINE BAILEY in 1886. His mother died 18 days after the marriage. His brothers left Arkansas in the late 1890's or early 1900's and went to Georgia.

        HOGG and ADELINE had seven children before he deserted his family in May of 1901. His wife later heard that he was killed in the late 1920's or early 1930's in a California tornado.

        ADELINE BAILEY's mother was an Eaton. Her maternal Grandparents were Salisbury's. The family tells how the Salisbury's were originally from England and Grandfather Salisbury returned to England to claim the family inheritance. The family was later notified that his ship sank on the way back to America.



 Aileen Dozier Blankenstein - Granddaughter

 Mrs. F. V. Wadley - Wasco, Californ

1850 Oakland Co., Michigan Census 

1850 Cass County, Georgia Census    

1880 , 1900, 1910, 1920 Lonoke County, Arkansas Census


1880 Lonoke County Arkansas Census

119/122 Dozier, Martha L. 52 Ala Ga Ga 

George L.                                20 Ala Ga Ga

MARCUS H.                         17 Ala Ga Ga   

Martha A.                             15 Ala Ga Ga


1900 Lonoke County Arkansas Census Soundex Sheet 7 line 46 vol 23 edition 80 p281A 47/47

DOZIER, MARCUS H. Head W M Oct1862 39 m 3 yrs Farmer Ga Ga Ga Rented farm #51    

ADELINE wife W F Feb 1868 32 m13yrs Mich Oh Mich 6 ch 6 alive

Allie                         dau W F Dec 1887 12 Ark Ga Mich

Lewis                      son W M Sep 1889 10         "   

Clyde                        dau W F Sep 1891   8         "  

Josie                          dau W F May 1894  6         "   

Richard                      son W M Aug 1896  3         "  

Maud                          dau W F Aug 1898  1         "

Goodman ?                 Jan 1871 29 Ga (cousin) 

Oliver                          May 1893 7 Ark


1910 Pettus, Lonoke Co, Ark Census vol 38 ed 148 fam #022

ADELINE DOZIER Head F W 42 Wid Farmer Ark Oh Mich   Owned Farm #2 Free 

Louis son M W 20 Farmer rented Farm #3 Ark Ark Ark

Clyde dau W F 18 Farmer                                         "  

Josie  dau W F 15                                                      "  

Richard son W M 13                                                  "  

 Maud dau W F 11                                                      "


1920 Richards, Lonoke County, Arkansas Pine Bluff Road  vol 36 ed 176 sh 8 ln 32 (next to Louis Dozier) 

Wes Hawks             Head             M W 23 M  

Maudia                     wife               F W   20 M Ark Ark Ark

Earthul                    son                  M W 4/12 Ark Ark Ark

ADLINE DOZIER mother-in-law   F W 52 Wd NC NC NC

Josie Holland                sister-in-law F W 25 S Ark NC NC

Shelton                                 nephew M W 7 S Ark La Ark

Ivy May                                    niece F W 3 2/12 Ark La Ark

Ralph Hawks                          Brother M W 17 S Ala Ala Mo