Bryant/Briant Results ] Conway/Conaway/Connaway Results ] Hanna/Hannah/Hannon Results ] Richbourg/Richburg Results ] Lewis Results ] Turner Results ] How & Where ] DNA Links ]



    One of the latest, and perhaps most interesting new development in the field of genealogy is DNA testing.  While it does not take the place of traditional research it can provide a definite enhancement.  It also may help families who have reached a roadblock in their research to find a connection through others who are working on the same ancestral line.  In another respect, it may help to disprove an undocumented lineage.

    Visit my How & Where page to find out how and where to get started on a DNA project.

    If your surname is Bryant or Briant, visit this results page.  If your surname is Conway, Conaway, or Connaway, visit this results page.  If your surname is Hanna, Hannah, Hannon, or any other variation of that name, visit this results page. If your surname is Lewis, visit this results page.   If your name is Turner, visit this results page. If your surname is Richbourg or Richburg, visit this results page. You are welcome to submit any relevant DNA information to be included on this site.  If you want your results posted, regardless of where the tests were done, I will be happy to include you. More information on how to do that is on the results page.

    To become more familiar with the world of DNA testing and what the results mean you may want to look over my DNA Links page.  These are not intended to be all the relevant sites, but are some of my favorites.  Please don't hesitate to notify me if any of the links no longer work.

    If you would like to make a donation to the Conaway Surname Project to encourage further family research for those who can not afford to pay for DNA testing, please go to the Conaway Project Page and look for the "Make a Donation" button about half way down. 

DNA graphics courtesy of DNA Heritage
