John Turner & Patience Lassiter
James Lassiter & ?Martha ]



South Carolina Will Book VV 1776-1784 p. 290

JOHN TURNER, SR., Granville County. Sons: James, John, William, Jacob, Abraham, Enoch, part of tract purchased of John Neilson next land where I now live to Pickney's line on W side creek from Little Lake; Noel, land on NE tract purchased of Pickney; Charles, land purchased of John "Nelson." Daus: Lidda Griffin, Winna and Cloey. Mentions: Island I have already sold; sons to inherit land at 19 years.

Exors: Ezekiel Williams, James

Wilson. Witness: Lake Mizell; Michael Wallis, his mark; John Spar, his mark.

Dated 12 Oct. 1775 Proven -- no date Recorded -- no date.

(Part of will in original book destroyed.)

Note: Apparently the mother had already died since she was not mentioned in the will. Noel was 11 in 1775 at the time of the will. When he later applied for a pension he stated that he was an orphan. Since the will says the sons were to inherit land at 19 years & none were made the executors, it indicates that they were all young. Noel named children Cloey, Enoch, William, John, Charles - names of his brothers & sisters.


JOHN TURNER Charleston Co. Wills Book VV 1776-1784 p. 193-6

Granville Co., South Carolina 1775

p 193. In the name of God Amen, I JOHN TURNER, SENR of Granville County in the Province of South Carolina being in good Health of Body and of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore given to almighty, God do make and ordain this my present last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I recommend by Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits of Death and Possession of my Savior Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit my body I commit to the Earth Love Everlasting at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter ently and as Touching the Disposition of all such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased almighty God to Bestow upon me I give and Dispose hereof as followeth--

p 194 Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son James Turner the sum of one shilling sterling.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Lidda Griffin the sum of one shilling Sterling.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Winna Turner the sum of one shilling sterling.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son John Turner the sum of one shilling sterling.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son William Turner the sum of one shilling sterling.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Beloved son Jacob Turner the sum of one shilling sterling.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Cloey Turner her choice of my Beds Except the one called mine and the cloathing belonging to it and Likewise three cows and calves and Ten Pounds Sterling.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son Abraham Turner the bed I usually Lie on and the cloathing belonging to it and a mare and colt and all my cattle except what Cloey has, that I am now possessed with.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son Enoch Turner the sum of five pounds sterling and the upper part of that Tract of Land I Bought of John Wilkson to continue down to an old hedge now next to the Tract I now live on and so to continue the corse of the Hedge Row Eastward until it strikes Pinckneys Line and run west ward over the creeke to a Lagoon and Inclosed a mile fields on the west side of said Creeke and running up Little Lake and on the upper End of said Creeke unto it to him his heirs and assigns forever to the

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son Noel Turner one hundred acres Land square a cross of the North East end of that Tract I bought of Pinckey to him his Heirs and assigns forever.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son Charles Turner the remainder of the Tract of Land I bought of Wm Pinckney near adjoining the river also the remainder of the Tract I bought of John Nelson on both sides of said creek to him his Heirs and Assigns forever the Island Excepted which I have already sold, the said Lands heretofore given not to be in their Possession until they arrive to the age of Nineteen years and in case any of my sons that has lands given them shall die before they arrive to the age of Twenty one that then left to them that Dies shall devolve to the next youngest Brother that has no lands left him and so in case of Death to Devolve to the next youngest Brother shall and so on and if their be any money arising from the Estate more than paying Debts and what I have given of in Legacies to be Equally divided between my Daughter Cloey and my four sons Abraham, Enoch, Noel, and Charles and what ever Rents arises from any of said Lands to go to the owner of said Lands. lastly I do appoint my Trusty friends Ezekiel Williams and James Wilson to be my Executors to this my Last Will and Testament & I do Disannul & revoke all former wills and Testament and do constitute this my Last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of October 1775 -- Signed and Sealed in presence of us:


Lake Mizell


Michael M Wallis



John S Spar



Abstracts of Deeds Northampton County, North Carolina 1741-1759 975.649 Hoffmann

p111 pg.216 Thomas Beaney of Bertie Co. to William Rutland of Northampton Co. 14 May 1755 15 pounds current money of Va. 150 acres on the head of a Hoskey, on the south side of the swamp, part of the tract granted to James Rutland, Jr. for 600 acres in 1723 which land was given to me by the sd James Rutland in his last will and testament Wit: John Cooper (?), Cader Powell, PATIE TURNER Reg. Northampton Co. Aug. Ct. 1755 c. Ct. (not given)

p113 pg. 226 James Laciter of Northampton Co. to PATIENCE TURNER of Northampton Co. 20 Aug. 1755 for the love and affection I have and do bear to my well-beloved daughter 95 acres on the north side of Uraha swamp, joining the swamp and Poticasa creek Wit: Mathew Mashborne, Mathew Mashborne, Jr. Reg. Northampton Co. Aug Ct. 1755 J. Edwards C. Ct.

p120 pg. 283 George Sellars and Faith Sellars his wife of Northampton Co. to Jesse Lasciter of Northampton Co. 7 Feb 1756 25 pounds current money of Va. 150 acres, my plantation on the south side of Corriroy swamp, joining the mouth of Miry branch and the swamp Wit: JOHN TURNER, Arthur Sellars Reg. Northampton Co. May Ct. 1756 J. Edwards C. Ct.

p125 pg. 331 William Sherrard of Edgecombe Co. to David Rogers of Northampton Co. 3 Nov. 1755 8 pounds Va. Money 120 acres on the north side of Uraha swamp and the north side of Bear swamp, joining both swamps Wit: JOHN TURNER, James Lassiter Reg. Northampton Co. Nov. Ct. 1756 J. Edwards C. Ct.

p109 pg. 201 George Buntin of Edgecombe Co. to Nicholas Maggett of Southampton Co., Va. (?) 19 May 1755 10 pounds 3 shillings 10 pence lawfull money of Va. 150 acres more or less on the north side of Kerby creek, joining the mouth of a branch, John Martin, Spring branch and the creek Wit: JOHN TURNER, Richard Edwards, Jesse Lasciter Reg. Northampton Co. May Ct. 1755 J. Edwards C. Ct.

p120 pg. 283 George Sellars and Faith Sellars his wife of Northampton Co. to Jesse Lasciter of Northampton Co. 7 Feb 1756 25 pounds current money of Va. 150 acres, my plantation on the south side of Corriroy swamp, joining the mouth of Miry branch and the swamp Wit: JOHN TURNER, Arthur Sellars Reg. Northampton Co. May Ct. 1756 J. Edwards C. Ct.

p125 pg. 331 William Sherrard of Edgecombe Co. to David Rogers of Northampton Co. 3 Nov. 1755 8 pounds Va. Money 120 acres on the north side of Uraha swamp and the north side of Bear swamp, joining both swamps Wit: JOHN TURNER, James Lassiter Reg. Northampton Co. Nov. Ct. 1756 J. Edwards C. Ct.


Northampton County, North Carolina 1759-1808 General Abstracts of Wills 975.649 Hoffmann Will Book One, 1759-1792

p7-8Will 24 pg. 38 Jacob Lassiter 12 September 1760 February Court 1761 to son William Lassiter and my loving wife Pleasant Lassiter my land that came by my wife residue of estate to go to wife until William becomes of age and to be used to raise sd. Son Extrs: wife Pleasant, my well beloved brother James Lassiter Wits. JOHN TURNER, James Lassiter, David Rogers

p8 Will 25 pg. 40 Matthew Mashborne 2 July 1760 February Court 1761 give beloved wife Sarah Mashborne bed, furniture etc. to grandson James Mashborne son of Samuel Mashborne decd. In his father’s stead one 2 year old heffer to my children Mary Pinson, Anne Mashborne, Martha Mashborne, Janus Mashborne, Edward Mashborne, Sarah Lassiter, Pricilla Mashborne, Elizabeth Mashborne, Charity Mashborne, Rachel Mashborne, David Mashborne, Jethro Mashborne, Daniel Mashborne and William Mashborne all the rest of my Estate to be equally divided amongst them my Extrs. To have a care and see my three young children (names not given) are brought up well and christian like son Edward my still, son David bed and furniture   Extrs.: my sons Mathew and James Wits.: Daniel Dickinson, John Dickinson, JOHN TURNER

p56 Will 254 pg. 381 John Dickinson 12 June 1787 September Court 1787 to my son Malichi Dickinson 40 shillings speci to son James Dickinson 2 negroes and land on the south side of Uhiry swamp which I purchased of JOHN TURNER to son John negroes and 225 acres whereon he now lives which I purchased of David Mashborne, 100 acres I purchased of William Campbell and Eusidia Campbell, 275 acres whereon I now live and 160 acres on the north side of Potticasy creek which I purchased of Benjamin Futrell daughter Mary Williams and grandson Robert Williams negroes each to grandson Isaac Dickinson, son of Malichi, land on Urah purchased of Absalom Mann and JOHN TURNER to grandson John Dickinson, son of Malichi, 100 acres purchased of Joseph Stewart grandson Britain Bridgers 1 negro, 270 acres purchased of James mashborne and 300 acres purchased of Bryan Daughtry to grand daughters Mary Dickinson and ____ Dickinson, daughters of James, and grandsons John and Laurence Dickinson, sons of John, negroes each to son John reminder of my estate. Extrs.: James & John Dickinson & Jesse Williams Wits.: Joseph Granberry Jr., Benjamin Hare, Sion Rutland


Deed 1761 JOHN TURNER Northampton Co., S. C. Book 3 page 150

This indenture made this thirteenth day of October 1761 Between John Warrell of NoAmpton County and province of NoCarolina and JOHN TURNER of the same County and province. Witnesseth that the said John Warrell for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy pounds proclamation money to me in hand paid by the aforesaid JOHN TURNER the receipt whereof doth acknowledge himself fully Satisfied and contented and he the said John Warrell hath bargained and sold alined and confirmed unto the said JOHN TURNER his heirs and assigns forever Four Hundred and Seventy Acres of land more or less it being Situate and lying the south side of Menerin River in NoAmpton county beginning at a Black Oak formerly John Duos line then south 10E 100 posts to a pine Robert Coopers corner then by William Hines line still S 10 E 80 poles to his corner one pine one black oak the S 80 W 46 poles to a red Oak Timothy Hinesses corner then along Hines' line S 10 E 320 poles to Robert Edwards line the Center of three pines then No 80 W 320 poles to his own line Then No 80 E 320 poles to John Decos line then by Dows line to the first Station and also the Revision and Revisions Remainder and Remainders and Services of the said Land primacies and every part thereof To have and to hold all and Singular ye above mentioned land and part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances thereof unto JOHN TURNER his Heirs and assigns forever and the said John Worrell for himself his heirs do covenant promise and Grant to the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true sole and lawful owner of the above bargained premises and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same in my own proper right as good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and have in myself good right full power and Authority to grant Bargain Sell and convey and confirm the above bargained premises in manner above said and the said JOHN TURNER his heirs assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever by force and power of these presents have hold occupy and possess the said Demised and bargained premises the appurtenances free and clear from all incumbrances furthermore I the said John Worrell for myself my Heirs Exrs Admrs do covenant and engage the above Demised premises to him the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs and assigns the lawful Claims or Demises of any person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter to Warrant Secure and Defend the Witness whereof the said John Worrell and Priscilla Worell hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written

Signed sealed & Delivered) NoAmpton ) his

in presents of us ) County )               John I Worrell SEAL

his ) November )                                  mark

Davis X Worrell Jr ) Court )   her

mark ) 1761 )              Priscilla X Worrell SEAL

Jes Murfree ) )                     mark

Wm Murfree )

The preceding Deed was proved on the oath of David Worrell one of

the witnesses thereto & on motion was ordered to be recorded

Test Edward Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER 1761 Northhampton County, N.C. Book 3 p 172

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know ye that I Mary Norton of Northampton County planter for & in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds current money of Virginia do me in hand paid before the sealing and Delivery hereof by John Turner of the county aforesaid the rect where of I do hereby acknowledge myself fully paid and Satisfied and of every tract thereof do acquit & discharge the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs Excr & Admst for ever by these presents, have Bargained Sold and confirmed and by these presents do Grant Bargain Sell and confirm unto the said JOHN TURNER his heirs and assigns forever one Certain and Tract of Land Situate lying and being in the County of NoAmpton and bounded followeth Viz Beginning on Thomas Jordans Corner fence thence South to a branch on Arthurs Creek, thence up the said Branch to Jordans line, thence along his line North & to the first station Containing by Estimation fifty acres. To have and to hold the Granted and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances, privileges and commodities to the same belonging or appertaining to him the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs and assigns for ever; and before the sealing hereof I am the trust and lawful bearer of the above Bargained premises and am lawfully signed and possessed of the same in were own proper right as a good pure & absolute Estate of inheritance and have as myself good right full power and lawful authority to grant Bargain Sell and Convey the same or manner as above said and that the said JOHN TURNER his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by virtue of these presents lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy process and enjoy the same Bargained premises with the appurtenances free and clear of all encumbrances from all manner of former gifts grants bargains sales Leases wills mortgages and troubles whatsoever in manner so the law can devise and I the said Mary Norton do further covenant and bind myself my Heirs and firmly by these presents to Warrant and defend the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs and Assigns in Quiet and peaceable possession of all and singular the premises aforesaid against the Claim of all persons whatsoever In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal at the second day of October Anno Domino 1761                              her

Signed Sealed and Delivered) Noampton ) Mary X Norton SEAL

by presents of us ) County JC )                       mark

Mary Mecham ) May Court)

       her )             1762 )

Eliz X Jordan



Henry X Mecham


The preceding deed was proved in open court on the oath of Henry Mecham one of the witnesses thereto and on motion was ordered to be recorded Test Edward Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER Northampton Co., N. C. 1761 Book 3 p. 225

and or before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he the said Earl doth hereby acknowledge as also for and in consideration of the rents commodities exceptions provisions and agreements hereinafter mentioned reserved and contained and by and on the part and This indenture made the 28 day of July in the year of Lord 1761 between the right Honorable John Earl Granville Viscount Carteret etc of the one part and JOHN TURNER of NoAmpton County in the province of NoCarolina Planter of the other part whereas his most excellent majesty King George the second in and by a certain Indenture bearing date the seventeenth day of September in the eighteenth year of his Heirs and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty fore etc now this Indenture Witnesseth for and inconsideration of the sum of Ten shillings sterling money to the said John Earl Granville or have paid by the said JOHN TURNER behalf of the said Earl hath given granted bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of Vacant Land situate lying and being in the County of Northampton the said province beginning at the corner maple on the north side of Uraka swamp then along the swamp S 15 E 120 poles S 15 W 14 poles to the corner Hickory S 60 W 160 poles S 10 E 60 poles S 60 W 80 poles to the center of three on the run of the swamp then across the run S 25 E 66 feet to a corner then a live oak on the edge of the swamp then Down the swamp N 50 E 78 poles to an Elm N 30 W 28 poles N 30 E 20 poles N 20 E 86 poles N 75 E 290 poles N 10 E 40 poles to Matthew Mashbourn corner Gum N 40 E 160 poles N 31 W 70 poles to Mashbornes corner gum in the swamp then across Uraka Swamp to the first station, containing in the whole 200 fifty six acres of all which premises or more particularly Described and set forth in the plan or thereof herewith a together with all woods etc to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Vacant Land and said JOHN TURNER his Heirs and assigns forever yielding and paying, this for yearly and every year unto the said John Earl Granville his Heirs and Assigns the yearly rent or sum of ten shillings and three pence which is at the rate of three shillings sterling for every Hundred Acres in proportion for a less quantity at or upon the twenty fifth day of March and the twenty ninth Day of September in every year by even an equal portion to be paid at the court house of the said County of NoAmpton unto the said Earl His Heirs or assigns or to his or their lawful attorney or Receiver for the line being the first payment thereof to be made on such of the aforementioned days & shall first set their hands and seals the day and year first above written

In presents of us Wm Lucas J. Montford Granville & SEAL

Hallifax 3rd of March 1766 by

Then the execution of this deed was duly Thos Child

proved by the oath of Joseph Montfore a

witness thereto before me Charles Berry

Let it be registered


Deed JOHN TURNER 1762 Northampton Co., N. C. Book 3 p. 175

To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greetings know ye that I Etheldred Thwealt & Mary my wife of NoAmpton County in NoCarolina planter for & inconsideration of the sum of Seventeen pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid before the sealing & Delivery hereof by JOHN TURNER of the County aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge I myself therewith fully satisfied & I thereof do acquit F. Duchouge the said JOHN TURNER his heirs etc by these presents have given granted Bargained sold aliened convey and confirm & by these presents do freely fully absolutely give grant Bargain Sell alien convey & confirm unto the said JOHN TURNER his heirs and Assigns forever one certain messuage & Tract of Land Situate lying & being in the country & province aforesaid Butted & Bounded on as followeth viz. Beginning at a line in Thomas Jordan's line thence along his line a NoEast Course to a corner red oak thence a westerly course along Ethelred Thwealts line to a corner red oak thence a South course along a line of marked trees to a corner red oaks in Henry Watkins' line thence along his line to the first station. It being part of a Tract of land formerly held by John Hill Containing by Estimation seventy acres more or less to have & to hold this granted premises with all the appurtenances privileges & commodities to the same Heirs & assigns & the said Ethelred Thwealt & Mary his wife do covenant promise & Grant to & with the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs assigns that before the sealing & delivery hereof I am the true sole & lawful owner of the above Bargained premises & am lawfully seized & possessed of the same in my own proper right as a good perfect &d absolute Estate of inheritance in fulinfled have in myself good rightful power & lawful authority to grant Bargain Sell & Confirm the same in manner as above said & that the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs assigns shall & may from time to time & at all times forever hereafter by virtue of these presents lawfully peaceable & quietly have hold & occupy possess & the said Demuse premises with the appurtenances free & clear and clearly acquitted & discharged of & from all manner of former & other gifts grants Bargains Sales leases Mortgages wills jointers dowers & encumbrances & troubles whatsoever in as full & ample manner to all interests & purposes as the most learned in the law can Devise & I the said Etheldred Thwealt & Mary my wife do further covenant & bind ourselves our Heirs Exectrs & Admrs to warrant & Defend the said JOHN TURNER his Heirs & Assigns in Quiet & peaceable possession of all & singular the said grants premises against any just & lawful claim of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof all have hereunto set our hands & seals this

first day of July anno domino 1761

Signed Sealed & Delivered in ) Northampton ) Etheldred Thwealt

presents of us                   his         ) County ) & a SEAL

JOHN TURNER, Henry X Watkins) May court ) her

                                  his mark )        1762 )   Mary X Thwealt

Thos X Jordan                                                        mark & a SEAL


The preceding deed was proved in open court on the oath of

Thomas Jordon one of the witnesses thereof in motion was ordered

to be Registered Test Edward Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER 1763 Northampton Co., N. C. Book 3 p 221

This Indenture made the Seventh Day of December 1762 Between JOHN

TURNER of Northampton County and province of No Carolina of the one part and Robert Peelle Junr of the aforesaid County of the other part witnesseth that the said JOHN TURNER for the consideration of four pounds shillings Virginia money to him in hand paid at and before the ensealing thereof by the same Robert Peelle and the receipt whereof do acknowledge myself fully paid and contained, hath bargained sold and confirmed unto the said Robert Peelle his heirs and assigns forever a part of a tract of Land in Drake Swamp Beginning at Peelle's own lower corner Maple and runs a line to a Cypress at the run of the said Swamp water hold, and runs up the said run to a line of marked trees and along the line to beaver Dam in the said Swamp then and thence along the courses of the agents Deed as far as belongs to me so to the first Station It being held for fifty acres more or less. To have and to hold the said parcel of land with all wood ways water profits Commodities and hereditiments to the same belonging to him the said Robert Peelle Junr his heirs and assigns for ever in as full and ample manner to all intents and persons as the same belongs to me. JOHN TURNER & do hereby for me and my heirs promise and agree to and with said Robert Peele his heirs and assigns that the said Land is free and clear from all former bargains Mortgages and incumbrances by me made and do for ever Warrant and defend the said premises to him the said Robert Peele Jurn his heirs and assigns as fully as the same to me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed sealed & delivered ) No Hampton County ) JOHN TURNER SEAL

in presence of us ) February Court )

Robert Peele Sr. ) 1763

Arthur Bryant )

The preceding deed was proved in open court on the affirmation of Robert Peele one of the witnesses thereto & on motion was ordered to be registered

Test Edward Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER 1763 Northampton Co., N. C. Book 3 p 248

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye that JOHN TURNER of NoAmpton County in the province of NoCarolina planter for & in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid before the ensealing & Delivery hereof by Thomas Powell of the County aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my self therewith fully satisfied and contented Have given granted Bargained & sold conveyed and Confirmed & by these presents do dully freely & absolutely give grant Bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said Thomas Powell his Heirs and assigns forever one certain messuage and Tract of land situate lying and being in the County of NoAmpton containing one Hundred and Twenty Acres more or less bounded as followeth, Beginning at a corner pine thence NoEast course to a cirber red Iaj then South Course to a corner red oak; thence South course along a line of marked Trees to a corner red oak, South West course to a corner pine on Arthurs Creek then down the said Creek to ye mouth of a branch then up the said branch to the first Station, To Have and to hold the said granted premises with all the appurtenances privileges and commodities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Thomas Powell his Heirs Exrs and Adminrs and the said JOHN TURNER doth for himself and his Heirs & assigns that before the sealing hereof I am the true sole and lawful owner of the above Bargained premises and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same in mine own proper right as a absolute Estate of inheritance having in myself good rightful power & lawful authority to Grant Bargain Sell and Convey the same in manner as above said and that the said Thomas Powell his Heirs and assigns shall & may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by virtue of these presents peaceably & Quietly have hold use occupy possess & the said Bargained premises with the appurtenances freely & clearly acquitted and Discharged of & from all manner of incumbrances whatsoever of Gifts grants Bargains Sales leases mortgages wills ordains Dowers Judgments & Executory use as full & ample Manner to all interests & purposes as the most learned in the law can devise and I the said JOHN TURNER do further Covenant & bind myself my Heirs etc to Warrant and Defend the said Thomas Powell his Heirs and assigns forever in quiet and peaceable possession of all and singular the premises against the last claim of any person or persons whatsoever. In Witness whereof I the said JOHN TURNER have herewith set my hand & seal this

31st day of January 1763

Signed Sealed & Delivered ) NoAmpton )         his

in presence of us ) County )                      JOHN X TURNER SEAL

John Jordan, Burwell Bass) May court 1763)      mark

the preceding deed was proven in open Court on the oath of John Jordan one of the witnesses thereto on motion was ordered to be recorded

Test Edward Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER 1764 Northampton County, N. C. Book 3 p 354

This indenture made the twelfth day of November 1764 between JOHN

TURNER of North Ampton County & province of North Carolina & Charles Thompson of the same county & province Witnesseth that the said JOHN TURNER for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds proclamation to me in hand by the aforesaid Charles Thompson the Receipt whereof doth acknowledge himself fully satisfied & contented and he the said John Turner had bargained sold alien attest & confirm unto the said Charles Thompson his Heirs & assigns forever four Hundred and seventy acres of land more or less being situated & lying the South side of Meherin River in Northampton County beginning at a Black Oak formerly John Dews line then S 10 E 100 poles to a pine Robert Coopers corner then by Wm Nixes line still S 10 E 80 poles to his corner one pine one black oak then S 80 W 46 poles to a Red Oak Timmothy Hindes corner then along Hindes line S 10 E 320 poles to his own line the N 80 E 320 poles to John Dews line then by Dews line to the first station & all the reversion & reversions remainder 7 remainders grants & services of the said land & premises etc. Every part & parcel thereof & all this right of in & to the said premises & every part thereof to have & to hold all & singular above mentioned land & part & parcel thereof with the appurtenances thereof unto Charles Thompson his Heirs & Assigns forever & the said JOHN TURNER for himself his Heirs do covenant promise & grant to the said Charles Thompson his Heirs & Assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true Soul & Lawful owner of the above bargained premises & am lawfully seized & possessed of the same in mine own proper right and good perfect & absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple & have in myself a good Right full & s_______ lawful authority to grant Bargain & Sell & convey & confirm the above Bargained premises in manner above said & that the sd Charles Thompson his Heirs & assignsfrom time to time and at all times forever here after and date of these presents have hold & possess the said Demise & Bargained Premises the appertaining pieces free & clear from all Incumbrances the only Excepted furthermore The said JOHN TURNER for myself my Heirs Extrs & Admr & the Demised Demises to him the said Charles Thompson his & Assigns the Lawful claim or demand of any person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant secure & defend in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written

Signed sealed & delivered) NoAmpton Co ) JOHN TURNER SEAL

in presence of us ) February Court)

Willis Boddie ) 1765 )

Matthew Washborn ) This Deed was proved in open court on

Israel Gimfobel ) the oath of Matthew Washborn one of the witnesses thereto was ordered to be registered. Test Edward Clark

This deed was duly Registered May the 6th 1765

Test James Dancy Pub Regr Test Edward Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER 1764 Northampton Co., N. C. Bk 3 p 355

This Indenture made this Eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven and sixty four between JOHN TURNER planter and Patience Turner his wife County of NorthAmpton County in the province of North Carolina of one part and John Dickerson the Elder planter of the county and province aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said JOHN TURNER and his wife for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds proclamation money to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge thence to be fully satisfied contented and paid hole this day and to be fully satisfied contented and paid hole this day and date above written and Bargained sold set over confirmed conveyed alleviated and an and by these do Bargain sell set over confirm convey unto the sd John Dickerson the Elder one certain messuage or tract or parcel of Land lying and being situated in the county and province aforesaid containing by Estimation seventy five acres be the same more or less bounded as follows Beginning at a Hickory a corner three between them the sd JOHN TURNER and his wife and James Lassiter the younger on the north side of Uraha Swamp then running along the various courses of the said swamp along the sd Lassiters line to the Beaver dam then Running Robert Beelle the younger line to a cypress a corner tree on a Threshold the straight to a Maple a corner tree between the sd Robert Beelle and John Newsum then Running the landing of the sd John Newsums line to a gum corner tree between the said John Newsum and Matthew Mashburn then along a line of trees to the run of the sd swamp to a gum a corner tree then all the other of the sd Turner to another gum corner marked for Absolom Mann then along a line of marked trees to the Hickory the first Hickory the sd John Dickerson his Heirs and Assigns forever to Have and to hold the said Messuage covenant Tract or Parcel of land with all Houses and Houses orchards with all woodes underwoods low grounds, marshes swamps pastures and waters and said courses reversion and reversions remainder and thence with all Hereditiments and appurtenances thereunto belonging free from the most hindrance a disturbance of them the sd JOHN TURNER and his wife they their Heirs Exrs Adm and Assigns or any other person or persons where an acting by or with the consent of them the sd John Turner & wife they their Heirs, Extrs, Adm & assigns to the sd JOHN TURNER and wife do further covenant and to & with the sd John Dickerson his heirs and assigns forever that they will forever warrant and defend the sd Land and premises from the right with interest or demand of any person or persons whatever having or pretending to have my Rights Demand unto any parcel of the land & premises & have set the land and promises over to the John Dickenson his Heirs and assigns forever as his or their in fee simple as they the sd JOHN TURNER and his wife do acknowledge they have full rights and power within themselves unto as being free from any arrest suit or suits bills bonds judgement executions attachments or any other incumbrances whatsoever stating to the laws and that the land and premises is now free from any former sale mortgage or other incumbrances whatsoever by them the said JOHN TURNER and his wife the their heirs extors admrs or assigns in full assurances of discharging this their indenture with out or cover they have hereunto set their hands and affixed their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written

Signed sealed and delivered) NoAmpton ) JOHN TURNER & a SEAL

in witness of us ) County )

Jones Wood ) February )

Matthew Mashborn ) Court )

James Dickinson ) 1765 )

This deed was proved in open court on the oath of Matthew Mashburn one of the witnesses thereto on Motion was ordered to be Registered

Test Edwards Clark

This deed was duly Registered May the 6 1765

Test Jas Dancy Pub Regis


Deed JOHN TURNER 1764 Northampton Co., N. C. Bk 3 p 356

This Indenture made the twelfth day of November 1764 between JOHN TURNER of Northampton County and Province of North Carolina and Absolom Mann of the same county and province witnesseth that the said JOHN TURNER for and in consideration of the sum of fifty five pounds cash to me in hand paid by the aforesaid Absolom Mann the receipt whereof doth acknowledge himself fully paid and consitented and he the said JOHN TURNER hath bargained sold alined and confirmed unto the aforesaid Absolom Mann his heirs and assigns forever one hundred and forth five acres of land more or less it being situate and lying on the west side of Uraha Swamp beginning at a maple in the side of rollicadg Creek and running well to a corner hickory thence to a form line of marked trees to the run of the said swamp to a corner gum thence down the various courses of said swamp to the lower end line thence to the beginning maple it being a tract of land conveyed from James Talpder to said TURNER and part of a tract taken up by said TURNER together with all privileges and commodities and premises and every part and parcel there of to have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned premises with the appurtenances thereof unto the sd Absolom Mann his heirs and assigns forever and by the said JOHN TURNER for himself his heirs and assigns that promise and grant to the sd Absolom Mann his heirs and assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true and lawful owner of the above Bargained premises and am lawfully possessed and seized of the same as a perfect absolute state of inheritance in fee simple and do grant bargain sell and convey the above said premises unto his above said Absolom Mann his heirs and assigns and shall and may from time to time and at all times proven hereafter by force and virtue of these presents have hold use occupy the said bargained premises free and clear from all incumbrances the quiet thanks only excepted furthermore the sd JOHN TURNER for myself my heirs, extrs, assigns, do covenant and engage the above demise premises to him the above sd Absolom Mann his Heirs and assigns against the lawful claim or demand of any person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant secure and defend. In witness whereof I the sd JOHN TURNER have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed sealed & delivered) N.Ampton ) JOHN TURNER & a SEAL

in presence of us ) County )

Chas Thomson ) February )

Matthew Mashburn ) Court )

Israel Campbell ) 1765 )

This deed was proved in open court on the oath of Matthew Mashborn one of the witnesses. This deed was duly registered on the order to be registered the 1765 Test James Dancy Pub

Test Edwards Clark


Deed JOHN TURNER 1764 Northampton Co., N. C. Bk 3 p 361

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come JOHN TURNER of North Ampton County in province of North Carolina send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting know ye that I the said JOHN TURNER for and in consideration of the sum of four pounds eighteen shillings and eight pence proclamation money in hand paid before the ensealing hereof well and truly paid Matthew Mashborn of the province aforesaid receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself herein fully satisfied contented and paid and here of I do exonerate and exchange the said Matthew Mashborn his heirs extors admr assign forever by these presents hath given granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do hereby fully absolutely give and grant bargain sell alien convey and confirm unto him the said Matthew Mashbourn his heirs and assigns forever one certain messuage or tract of land situate lying and being in the aforesaid county containing by estimating forty five acres by the same more or less butted and bounded as followeth beginning at the corner sweet gum between the said Matthew Mashborn and John Newsom line and running along a line of Marshes? Trees to a corner gum on the Run of Urekah Swamp thence down the various courses to the swamp to the lower end line then along a straight line to a corner gum of David Mashborn's in the said Swamp then running along up the said Mashborns line to the first stated to have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises with all the privileges appurtenances and commodities there unto belonging or in anywise appertaining to him the said Matthew Mashbourn his Heirs and assigns forever in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this seventh day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty four

Signed Sealed and Delivered) NoApton County) JOHN TURNER & SEAL

in presents of us ) February Court )

Chas Thompson ) 1765 )


Absolom X Mann


This deed was proved in open court on the oath of Absolom Mann one of the witnesses thereto on petition was ordered to be recorded

Test Edward Clark

This deed was duly Registered May the 8th 1765

TEST Dancy Pub Regr


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